What is Biomass?
Biomass is a fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and sustainable source of energy used to create electricity or other forms of power.
Retrieved from https://www.reenergyholdings.com/renewable-energy/what-is-biomass/
For more detailed information about bana grass as one of the best biomas
Is Bana grass Environment-friendly?
Mackay Bana Grass is a C4 plant specie that is very environmental friendly. It is a carbon-fixing plant that capture and store greenhouse gas (CO2) through a biological process called biosequestration. It uses water more efficiently thus conserving more water in the soil, allowing it to thrive during a drought. It is perennial and non-invasive.
How can I invest in VKMGE?
You can invest in Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy at four (4) levels. You can be a Licensee, Contract Grower, you can invest in the Plantation Company Partner, and/or you can invest in the Power Plant Company Partner.
For a detailed information, reach us @admin@mackaygreenenergyinc.com | or call us 02 878 0570
What are the by - prodcuts of Bana grass
The 4 main by-products of Bana grass are Biomass which is shredded Bana and Bana stalk, Green-Charcoal, Bana Pellets, Silage, Bio-coal, Graphene, Bio-Oil, Biomass, Bana Pellets, Bana green coal, Jet fuels.
Can I plant Mackay Bana Grass ?
Yes, but you have to be a Contract Grower or a Licensee. MGE owns Mackay Bana Grass and gives free planting material to Contract Growers and Licensee through it’s Plantation Management Company Partners.
What are the other uses/applications of Bana grass
Mackay Bana Grass is basically a dedicated bioenergy crop. It can be turned into Green Coal (charcoal) using Torrefaction. During the Torrefaction process, the volatile components are captured and fed to an Externally Fired Gas Turbine (EFGT) to produce electricity. It can also be used as a Biomass Fuel, perfect for IFGT (Indirectly Fired Gas Turbine) and existing steam boilers. Using Fischer-Tropsch Process, Bana Grass can be converted to liquid fuel. Biofuels can be customized to produce diesel, gasoline, kerosene & aviation fuel.
Around 8 weeks, the crude protein content is extremely high (approximately 16%) when harvested making it a good feedstock for cattle, goat or sheep. At 4 months, the tops can still be used for feed while the stalk is used for biomass fuel. The mature cane (4 months) has a typical moisture of around 55%. The green leafy parts have a moisture content of between 65 & 70%. When expressing dry tonnes, we assume an actual moisture of around 12%.
The Future of Green Energy
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2022 - Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy
Mackay Group of Companies