2012 – 2022
MacKay acquired the world rights to this Bana Grass variety from Australia. MacKay Green Energy introduced MACKAY BANA GRASS in the Philippines in 2012 where it was registered under the international plant protection treaty(IPPT). Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 9168, known as the Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002, Mackay Green Energy has issued the Provisional Certificate of Plant Variety Protection on May
Over a period of 3 years test planted in different soil types and at the same time we registered the IP of the crop with BPI. What became very obvious was the quality of Bana and this lead to security of feed supply and exposed the true potential of what can be derived from the Bana Gras.
Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy was created in the year 2018 for the faster expansion of the renewable industry.
2010 – 2012
MacKay Green Energy (MGE) founded by James Ronaldson Mackay in 2010, is a renewable technology, providing complete, sustainable, and integrated eco-solutions for the Philippines. It was set up originally to treat solid waste with advanced tech from Germany and during this period of research into back up biofuel should there be no solid waste of research showed that there was not enough biomass for current demand and this lead MGE to look for a biomass that would grow in the PH and not affect the food chain. It was during this period that we discovered a variety of Bana Grass. Bana Grass originated in Africa and was brought to Australia to be used as windbreak planted around sugarcane crops to protect them from typhoons. In Gympie, Queensland, Australia the MacKay Bana Grass Hybrid was selectively enhanced to create superior properties of Pennisetum P
As a dedicated Biomass Crop, it was envisaged to supplement and eventually replace the traditional source of biomass fuel used in biomass power plants and direct combustion biomass boilers. The price volatility and low sustainability of biomass source from agricultural and forest wastes commonly used in Renewable Energy Projects, motivated VKMGE to establish the Bana Grass in the Philippines. Bana Grass developed as an energy plantation and dedicated to each biomass supply chain will guarantee continued supply all year round because of its high yield and sustainability in the Philippine climate and soil conditions.
The company focuses on the development of various renewable energy systems designed to efficiently convert Biomass to energy, fuels, bio-products all the way to biochemicals. VKMGE has integrated various existing on the shelf technologies and around exclusive rights to advanced technologies that made it smarter by designing its own system to fully utilize its energy generation. VKMGE’s by-products and each project creates employment opportunities, provides livelihood and sustainable income to the farmers and spurs economic activities in the community.
World Leader of Green Energy
VKMGE Bana was sent to Europe for independent verification to confirm the properties of Bana which testing confirms the development to biochemical products along with the carbon footprint validation. VKMGE is now 100% green and this is what makes VKMGE a world leader in Green Energy. VKMGE variety Bana Grass has been tested at Del University in the Netherlands and the Char have shown VKMGE to be a leader in a security of supply, animal feed and a wide variety of bi-products which ensure the ability to compete in an International Market.
The Future of Green Energy
Copyright 2018 - Mackay Green Energy Inc.
2022 - Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy
Mackay Group of Companies