Over the years, several agricultural changes have occurred in our history. The needs of the growing human population have pushed our scientists and experts to do more work to supply and meet our everyday needs. Throughout our records, there have been so many revolutions that impacted and for sure, changed our lives. One of which was during the mid and late 20th century. A revolution that significantly magnifies the role of agriculture in this lifetime ̶ the green revolution.
The green revolution is referring to the launch of high yielding variety (HYV) of seeds and increased use of fertilizer and irrigation methods. It was aimed at providing an upsurge in production to make a particular place self-sufficient in food grains. This revolution has been imposed and adapted all over the globe sharing the same objectives.
CO2 emissions are skyrocketing over the past decades and one of the largest troubles is cleaner forms of technology-driven fuel and energy sources. With the advancements in machinery and the production of different products, it is irrefutable that CO2 trails are just endlessly increasing. Local and global problems are now then inevitable since too much CO2 emission can cause a cycle of dilemmas. International programs and agreements are forthwith put into practice since the scare of what these problems can bring about are now realized.
Cities all around the globe are getting and pushing everyone else to get green ̶ some for altruistic reasons while others have grasped and understood well the concept of sustainability in the context of energy, job, and the preservation of our environment. Mackay Green Energy Inc. is one of the pioneering companies in the Philippines that targets the development of various renewable energy systems intended to convert biomass to energy, fuels, and other bio-products. This company is bannering renewable technology that delivers complete and sustainable eco-solutions for the Philippines. Mackay has imported a crop from Australia called Bana Grass. Bana grass is a high yielding grass in terms of biomass and can be used as a feedstock for green coal power plants. It was duly registered here in the Philippines and acquired the IP rights in Asia for the conversion of Bana grass into alternative green energy. It is now planted all over the Philippines and has a lot of by-products such as green coal, Mackay Bana charcoal, Silage, and Bana Pellets.
It is verified to yield a minimum of 360 wet tons per hectare per year, can withstand drought, typhoon, a pest-resistant and non-allergic. It is also a one-time planting in 25 years with three harvests for biomass per year and five harvests for silage which is an ideal deal for the environment considering that it serves as a major carbon bank and also lessens the carbon footprints. Studies regarding this crop also show that it can compete with fossil fuels when converted to green coal and can produce ash that is utilized as a pure fertilizer that has no toxic elements. This crop is perfectly suited for the Philippines and can be planted even in idle lands.
Fortunately, one of the healthiest and most fertile soils here in Negros Island can be found in Himamaylan City. The city has a land area of 367.04 square kilometers or 141.71 square miles which constitutes 4.70% of Negros Occidental’s total area. One of the main sources of livelihood in the city is farming provided that it has very huge land fields. Mackay saw great potential in Himamaylan and decided to put up a plantation of Bana grass in the city years ago. It is fully functional and the expansion of the plantation is continuously ongoing. Products of this crop are then sold to different regions and even exported outside the country. Recent happenings that lead back to the coronavirus pandemic have made Mackay realized the positive impact and help that they can create in Himamaylan if they fully invest and sell their products in this city full of potentials. Mackay Green Energy Inc. together with the LGU of Himamaylan City and Mosser Environmental Corporation who is engaged in forest plantation and harvesting renewable energy from biomass has taken the official step in collaborating to render sustainable sway in the different sectors of the city.
“Maghandom sang bwas damlag, dal-a ang tanan sa kasanag” is a line famous here in Negros since it is from our Negros hymn which is sung every day in our flag ceremonies before classes or works start. Indeed, a very promising statement that coincides with what Mackay has claimed in hope of bringing out the best in Himamaylan City and for its people. The partnership will be a worthwhile outlay claiming that the return of the investment will be in folds. 100 to 120 local Himamaylanons will have sustainable jobs in the plantation given that 300 hectares of Bana grass crop will be harvested every month, thus, providing income for our skilled and competent farmers. Also, the taxes that the company will be paying to the city would be of great relief especially in this time of trial where the expenditure is elevated because of the current crisis that everyone is facing. Aside from creating permanent jobs and paying taxes, a green coal powerplant where gas from the torrefied Bana will provide to run the power plant and at the same time will produce green energy and power that is expected in the coming years of stay of Mackay in Himamaylan City. Rotating brownouts and power interruptions would be not a distress since we are on our own in terms of power and energy production. Himamaylan can live on with any of that inconveniences and on the brightest side of the story, we cope with what we need right now without compromising our environment which is of the essence for the future inhabitants of this planet.
Going sustainable, going green, Himamaylan would be at its best that no else has ever seen ̶ thru Mackay and with Mackay.
Check the original article here.