Negros Oriental Renewable Energy Day
The 4th Negros Oriental Renewable Energy Day Celebration and Ceremonial signing of the first ever Renewable Energy Ordinance in the Municipality of Amlan at Robinsons Place Dumaguete spearheaded by the Provincial Government of Negros Oriental along with the Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NOCCI) and RE Power Negros supported by Energy Development Corporation (EDC), Monte Solar Energy Incorporated, Almana Power Corporation and Mackay Green Energy Incorporated.
Attended by foreign investors and partners via zoom from Chile, Morocco, France, Austria, Australia and other participants across the globe.
Provincial Leaders, NORECO I & II Managers, Universities namely SU, FU, SPUD and NORSU, DENR-PENRO, PIA, City & Municipal Mayors and Officials, Media Personalities, Renewable Energy Stakeholders, Religious Leaders, Educators, Provincial Employees and Students were all present to support and celebrate the 4th Renewable Energy Day.
We are delighted to be part of this momentous ocassion and share to the world about the opportunity to implement a “Sustainable Green Legacy”. The most critical part is the feedstock supply and we have it, our Hybrid Bana Grass. We will create more jobs and become a leader in climate change mitigation.
Another highlight of the Renewable Energy Day is the Signing of the New City Ordinance of the Municipality of Amlan encouraging the investors to Invest in Renewable Energy.