Why Bana Grass is the better choice for Carbon Credits?
What is Carbon Credit? A carbon credit (often called a carbon offset) is a credit for greenhouse emissions reduced or removed from the atmosphere by an emission reduction project, which can be used by governments, industry, or private individuals to compensate for the...
Ground Breaking Ceremony – Ayungon Bana Charcoal Facility
Ground Breaking Ceremony - Ayungon Bana Charcoal Facility Bana Grass is a sustainable crop that we can use as an alternative fuel like charcoal. Hence the LGU of Ayungon has been chosen for the first Bana Charcoal Facility in the Philippines.
Can We Replace All Crude Oil Within 20 years with Celulosic Liquid Hydrogen?
By Charles Forsberg (cforsber@mit.edu) and Bruce Dale (bdale@egr.msu.edu) Special to The Digest In the United States, crude oil products provide 48% of the total energy to the final customer: residential, commercial, industrial and transportation....
Private, Public Partnership MOU signing with Bataan Government
A Private and Public Partnership has been signed last January 20, 2023 in the Bunker of Bataan. Present in the signing are Hon. Governor Joet Garcia, Joan Van Kessel, Vice Chairman, James Mackay, Chairman, and Mr. Mark Lico, CEO. This MOU represents...
DOST Region VI and VKMGE for Charcoal Briquetting
DOST REGION VI with VAN KESSEL MACKAY GREEN ENERGY for CHARCOAL BRIQUETTING The DOST Region VI invited the Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy to bring the Charcoal briquetting knowledge to the two barangays of Aklan. The Tangalan, Aklan and Brgy. Motag in Malay...
Alternative Energy for a Climate Challenged Philippines
Alternative Energy for a Climate Challenged Philippines Renewable energy (RE) sources like wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear power are all very important resources for the Philippines. But why stop at reducing carbon footprint, when you can have an energy source that...
The Ground becomes a Basketball Court
The To-oy Basketball Court Last year 2021, Mr. James Mackay, the Chairman of Mackay Green Energy, with his generous heart, donated a 448 square meters at Sitio Ilahud, Barangay To-oy, Himamaylan City. The said donation was given to the barangay to be used as a...
PPP to produce a wide range of renewable energy products using Bana Grass
PPP to produce a wide range of renewable energy products using Bana Grass MGE + True PPP Mackay Green Energy (MGE) is dedicated to developing various renewable energy systems that envision a green future for the Philippines. Founded in 2010, MGE has strived to fulfill...
The 4th Negros Oriental, Renewable Energy Day
Negros Oriental Renewable Energy Day The 4th Negros Oriental Renewable Energy Day Celebration and Ceremonial signing of the first ever Renewable Energy Ordinance in the Municipality of Amlan at Robinsons Place Dumaguete spearheaded by the Provincial Government of...
MACKAY GREEN ENERGY HOLDS GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY FOR NEW MULTI-PURPOSE BASKETBALL COURT PAVEMENT IN HIMAMAYLAN CITY Written by: Raffy C. Alayon Photos By: Kyl Serfino Launched in 2010, Mackay Green Energy Inc. (MGE) focuses on the development of various...
Biomass Project in Himamaylan: The First in Negros
Biomass Project in Himamaylan: The First in Negros By: Raffy Cayao Alayon Located in the center-most cove on the coastline of Negros Island and with Negros being central to Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao, Himamaylan City is conducive to operations reaching...
The modernist vanguard for change in Himamaylan
DO YOU THINK WE HAVE DONE ENOUGH? MACKAY IS OUT THERE SAVING OUR ENVIRONMENT AND GIVING PEOPLE MORE JOBS. By: Ashley June Miguel Gomez Over the years, several agricultural changes have occurred in our history. The needs of the growing human population...
Green Charcoal by Daily Tribune
GREEN CHARCOAL by Gilbert Kim Sancha At the eighth edition of the Pandawan Festival held in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, the lure of grilled fishes like tilapia, burasi and hito was outshone by something called “bana.” Back in 2012, Mackay Green Energy (MGE) acquired the...
The Greatness of Green
Joan Van Kessel Vice Chairman and Board Member , MacKay Green Energy Inc. “It’s important for the Philippines to be [more selfsufficient]. We aim not only to be self-sufficient, but [also to be able, in due time,] to export energy to the world. And not just...
Automated Charcoal Facility in Amlan, Negros Oriental
Amlan, the smoke-free Municipality of Negros Oriental, is one of the many homes of Mackay Group of Companies. We are foreseeing to expand from manual to automated production, manufacturing 1 tonne to 36 Tonnes per day of Mackay Bana Charcoal, the Smokeless, Odourless...
Odorless grilling? Possible!
Odorless grilling? Possible! All Filipinos love to eat and definitely, there is no better time for food other than Christmas. With all our family and friends together, it’s a perfect bonding experience to cook and try out new recipes to serve for reunions, Christmas...
The Future of Green Energy
Bana Grass: The Future of Green Energy Nowadays, people live in a world where everything moves fast. We use machinery, technologies, and electricity in almost everything that we do. Hence, it is safe to say that the main capital of this generation is energy. Energy is...
Green Charcoal
“The Bana grass briquette is a most welcome development as the use of eco-friendly charcoal can help relieve pressure on the country’s mangroves. During the past decade, the heavy dependence on wood charcoal by lechon businesses all over the country has been blamed...
BIOMASS – Philippines’ demand for Biomass
Biomass and other clean and renewable energy (RE) sources, like geothermal, hydro, wind and solar, are among the country’s few competitive advantages since it has no significant deposits of fossil fuels. However, its continued dependence on imported fuel has made electricity rates in the Philippines among the highest in Asia.
FOREST WATCH: Bana charcoal to replace wood charcoal & end illegal logging
It’s 2017. Technologies have upgraded, some are even unimaginable to men. But why is that yesterday’s problems are still today’s problems? Why do these problems stay unsolved? For example, illegal logging. It is still rampant these days knowing that it harms our...
The Future of Green Energy
Copyright 2018 - Mackay Green Energy Inc.
2022 - Van Kessel Mackay Green Energy
Mackay Group of Companies